
NewsAre You Breaking these Road Rules?
Are You Breaking these Road Rules?

Are You Breaking these Road Rules?

Do you have dirt on your number plate, making it unreadable?

That’ll set you back $415 dollars and 3 demerit points in NSW. If you’re in QLD, that’ll cost you about $341 and in VIC it’s 3 demerit points and $161.

A dirty plate is a costly mistake.

If you park on a footpath in VIC, you’ll pay an $85 fine and a $126 one in QLD.

In NSW, if you drive through a puddle and splash bus passengers you’ll not only get 3 demerit points, but be fined $177 for being an inconsiderate driver especially if you could have avoided making the big splash!

While we know driving in the dark is hard, if you get busted for not turning your lights on you’ll lose 2 demerit points in NSW and in VIC you’ll lose a demerit point and $211 from your wallet.


If your passenger is holding your grandchild instead of securing them in a car seat, you’ll be whacked with 3 demerit points and fined up to $500. In QLD, double the demerits and the fine! Be safe, secure that precious cargo in a car seat until at least the age of four.

The cost of distraction is a costly mistake whether you are drinking coffee, unwrapping your lunch, or changing the music. Taking your eyes off the road can cost you a whopping $600 in WA, $500 in the NT and at least $448 in ACT & NSW.

While driving too fast can give you a fine up to $201 in VIC and possibly 1 demerit point, so can slow driving. In VIC you’ll receive a $289 fine and in NSW you’ll get fined $253 plus get 4 demerit points.

One place where kindness can cost you is if you’re caught trying to warn fellow drivers of a speed camera. NSW has the largest fine at $110 while WA is at $100.

One of the largest fines you’ll receive even with the engine off is sleeping in your car while drunk in QLD. You’ll receive up to a 10 month suspension and a $1,400 fine. Pay for the $20 cab ride and sleep in your own bed.

What road rules breaches have you paid for? Leave a comment below.

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Are You Breaking these Road Rules?

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John from NSW commented:

Here is a link to General Driving Offences where you will see under Rules 46 (1)&(3) and 48 (1)&(3) that the penalty to "Give left and right change of direction signal that includes less than 5 seconds" is $187 and 2 Demerit Points: This includes changing lanes as well as turning into another street etc It is a seriously great pity that the Police do NOT seem to know this rule because bad drivers constantly chopping in front of other drivers without indicating until they actually begin to change lanes is not only an everyday experience of all drivers but especially irritating when the only Police cars they ever seen are usually parked in hiding from speeders. When 34% of accidents are caused by people not giving away, how can you when 80% of drivers don't indicate until they change direction if at all? 

John from NSW commented:

Just ask anyone how many seconds they have to indicate before changing lanes and they can't tell beyond saying you have to be considerate whatever ie indicate as you change - wrong! 

Greg from NSW replied to John:

Well John how many seconds is it? I'll tell you now that there is NOT ANY TIME quoted in the legislation, so what is the rule John? 

John from NSW replied to Greg:

Well Greg, if you are so familiar with the legislation perhaps you can tell me if there are any seconds required for a change of direction, which to my mind should include changing from one lane to another, or when turning left and right? And how many seconds if any are required when pulling up to park or to pull out from a park? Keep in mind too that some 34% of accidents are caused by failing to give way ie not indicating soon enough. It is a wonder that with all the dash cams the insurance companies haven't jumped onto that! 

Greg from NSW replied to John:

The legislation states for all change of directions or lane changes that:- "The driver must give the change of direction signal for long enough to give sufficient warning to other drivers and pedestrians." There is NO set time. When leaving the kerb there is a time stated and the wording of the legislation is:- "If the driver is about to change direction by moving from a stationary position at the side of the road or in a median strip parking area, the driver must give the change of direction signal for at least 5 seconds before the driver changes direction." 

John from NSW replied to Greg:

You are quite wrong Greg in saying that "There is NO set time" to my query on how many seconds is required to indicate before changing lanes. In actual fact it is 5 seconds! Firstly, in your own link given above Part 5 Division 1 Rule 45 2(b) and 3(b) states that 'change of direction' includes "changing marked lanes" to the left and right respectively. Now, here is my link to General Driving Offences where you will see under Rules 46 (1)&(3) and 48 (1)&(3) that the penalty to "Give left and right change of direction signal less than 5 seconds" is $187 and 2 Demerit Points: It is a seriously great pity that the Police do NOT seem to know this rule because bad drivers constantly chopping in front of other drivers without indicating until they actually begin to change lanes is not only an everyday experience of all drivers but especially irritating when the only Police cars they ever seen are usually parked in hiding from speeders. As I said above, 34% of accidents are caused by people not giving away but how can you when 80% of drivers don't indicate until they change direction if at all? 

Greg from NSW replied to John:

John, you seem to have an issue with reading, comprehension or both. In regards to the General Driving Offences you quoted - did you actually read the Road Rules for those fines IE: Road Rule 46 (1) & (3) and 48 (1) & (3), they say "Before a driver changes direction to the left, the driver must give a left change of direction signal in accordance with rule 47 for long enough to comply with subrule (2) and, if subrule (3) applies to the driver, that subrule." Subrule (2) is "The driver must give the change of direction signal for long enough to give sufficient warning to other drivers and pedestrians." and subrule (3) is "If the driver is about to change direction by moving from a stationary position at the side of the road or in a median strip parking area, the driver must give the change of direction signal for at least 5 seconds before the driver changes direction." It's saying that 5 seconds is required when moving from a "stationary position at the side of the road or in a median strip parking area", every other change of direction is "long enough to give sufficient warning to other drivers and pedestrians" The fines you quoted relate to those road rules IE: 46 and 48, Road Rule 45 explains what "change of direction" means and as such has no fine associated with it. If you still are unable to understand this I'm sorry, hard to explain any more on here. I've been dealing with the legislation in place in all states/territory's for the last 12 years, I'm extremely well versed on them - maybe the RMS could help you, I have regular contact with them and they are very helpful.....but very slow to respond sometimes. 

John from NSW replied to Greg:

Sorry Greg, perhaps my comprehension is not as good as yours but my maths is and unlike you I can put 2 and 2 together and repeat your link to Part 5 Div 1 Rule 45 states that a 'change of direction' includes turning left or right to change marked lanes to which under General Driving Offences Rules 46 and 48 there is a $183 penalty and loss of 2 Demerit points for not indicating for more than 5 seconds. And with regard to your employment I am sure glad you are not driving a school bus under your misguided interpretation of the rules but it appears that you might be the one advising the Police that this 5 second rule doesn't apply when changing lanes (as it does in QLD, Victoria, SA and even as far afield as California) and as a consequence my brother saw three Police mobile radar cars parked across three adjoining suburbs last Sunday instead of being driven on the road catching bad drivers ... like you? 

Greg from NSW replied to John:

Like I said you have a comprehension issue, read all those rules again, the 5 seconds only applies when leaving the kerb or median parking space. Here's some further reading for you - In this guide go to page 31, no. 12 at the top. Go down to "Signalling", note it states the 5 seconds when leaving the kerb. This final one is not available on the net but here's the wording from Part C Section 6 Signals of the NSW Testing Officer's Manual. This is the manual used by Testing Officers when people are going for their drivers licence. 6.1. The driver gives a change of direction signal long enough to give ‘sufficient warning’ (see definition below) to other drivers and pedestrians. ‘Sufficient warning’ means other drivers and pedestrians are given a reasonable amount of time to respond to the driver’s actions. This does not mean that other drivers and pedestrians will not change speed or position, but they are not forced to suddenly by the applicant’s actions. AND The driver gives a change of direction signal for at least 5 seconds before moving from a stationary position at the side of the road to continue along the road. Signalling whilst reversing to leave a reverse park is included in the 5 seconds. 

John from NSW replied to Greg:

Where I quote documents showing that ‘Changing Directions’ includes ‘Changing Marked Lanes’ and giving less than 5 seconds notice to do so has a $187 penalty and loss of 2 points under the NSW General Driving Offences, you respond with documents (including one that by your own admission is not even publicly available) that only refer to 5 seconds notice being required when parking or leaving the kerb. You are unsuccessfully resorting ‘misleading by omission’. And on this I have sought legal advice and the solicitor’s response is sheer wonder on how you can say that you need to give 5 seconds indication when merging with traffic when leaving a kerb at 10 KPH but NOT when merging with traffic when changing lanes at 110 KPH. In his opinion, if anyone is lacking comprehension it is you Greg. And I strongly suspect from your claims of having relevant exposure with employment regarding traffic rules that you are the one convincing the Police and other traffic authorities of the your illogical conclusion that it is not required to indicate for 5 seconds when changing lanes. If so, you are responsible for a lot of deaths and injuries Greg. 

Greg from NSW replied to John:

‘misleading by omission’ - what the hell are you talking about. John, you really have problems don't you. You asked a solicitor about this, hahaha, hope he was an expert in traffic matters. You do realise they specialise in different fields of law, hahaha. And the real funny thing is you think I have some sort of influence over what the police and traffic authorities do, so I'm responsible for deaths and injuries. Yeah okay, Hahaha. The document I can't give you a link to is the NSW Testing Officer's Manual, the guide used when testing applicants for their licence. I've quoted what's written in there, what the testing officer looks for but that's still not good enough for you. I've given you plenty of evidence of what the law states but you fail to agree, not my problem, all you care about is that you've read about the fine and that's what you are misinterpreting. It really doesn't matter, does it, you can keep indicating for the 5 seconds all the time - if that makes you feel good, well, that's fantastic. 

Henry from VIC commented:

How can you read the road signs and not take your eyes off the road?? 

John from NSW replied to Henry:

Ha ha Henry, I think most people regard road signs to be part of the road. I remember seeing a sign in Victoria years ago that said Road Plant Ahead and as I crested a hil I ran into the biggest damn flower you have ever seen. 

Gertraud from ACT replied to Henry:

Or check what's behind you or in the blind spot to your side without taken eyes off the road? 

Someone from NSW commented:

The road rule about warning other drivers of a speed camera always amazes me. We are consistently told cameras are not about revenue raising, they are about slowing people down to reduce the road toll. If that's the case then people should be permitted to warn other road users as the first thing a person does when flashed by an approaching vehicle is to slow down. 

Gertraud from ACT commented:

The chances of getting caught warning other drivers are extremely remote 

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