
NewsIf I was to start a political party…
If I was to start a political party…

If I was to start a political party…

The widespread voter rejection of the big two parties and embrace of independents and some minor parties suggest a devilish possibility.

If you were to start your own new Party or movement to capture the spirit of the times, what would it look like, and why do you think it would succeed?

The question is somewhat tongue-in-cheek. You may not have a wealthy benefactor to bankroll your dream nor the wish to develop a new political philosophy or even the slightest chance of success. 

It doesn’t matter. The Senate voting paper revealed many unsuccessful single-issue parties having a go and some more successful personal brands such as Tassie’s Jacqui Lambie Network.

My idea is for a Dog Party, in which parallel universe Albo’s hound Toto would be the PM and not the other way around. 

What’s your idea for a new party - unless you wish a (monkey) pox on all their houses?

There were more dogs than voters when my local polling station opened its doors at 8am Saturday, an official assured me. When I voted it was about half and half as beachside dog walkers popped in to cast their ballot.

If there was a Dog (“Every dog should have its day”) Party, consider the undecided and disaffected electors who might like the novelty of the idea of being led by Man’s best friend.

A cabinet of canine candidates might just be more attractive to uncommitted voters than a bickering bundle of bi-peds. 

More than 30% of first preference votes in this election went to candidates outside the major parties, for the first time ever.

As humourist Mark Twain once said, “If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.”

Would you vote Dog? Or what kind of new minor Party would you like to see - or even start?

Originally posted on .

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If I was to start a political party…

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Someone from QLD commented:

Currently I "Vote"! "No Confidence in ANY Candidate, Or the System!". And NO that is NOT a Donkey vote or a spoilt ballot paper! Before I Vote, the voting system needs to change from one setup for Criminal Deportees! 1 vote for 1 Party, not a system which is beyond explanation! I gave up asking Australians how it works. The Majority of Australians HAVE NO IDEA! My Cousin accidentally on his part, became an MP in the UK. He was an independent and took out a "SAFE" Conservative seat at their first attempt!!!??? He then discovered "Yes Minister" was but the tip of the iceberg in the black comedy of the Corruption that is UK Politics! Did he return? No it was Too corrupt!!! Australia, due to its prison classification, HAS NO BILL OF HUMAN RIGHTS! We can not start to be a Democracy until we have one. 

Someone from NSW commented:

I would vote dog party for sure My dog has kept me alive through out this pamdemic 

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