
NewsFiftyUp Club News
When to start retirement planning? Yesterday!

When to start retirement planning? Yesterday!

If you are a true 50Up and haven’t started seriously financial planning for your retirement, it may be too late. To use the cliché, 40 is the new 60, which means you need to start strategizing for retirement savings sooner, not later. Some retirement planners surveyed 3000 people and, on average, found they were aged 61 before they were preparing for life after work. By then, it’s not ... read more>
What are you going to do now that we are all becoming ‘freer’

What are you going to do now that we are all becoming ‘freer’

We hear endlessly about the ‘new normal’, usually in terms of the broader economy and population-wide changes to how we will do business ahead. But what about us as individuals, the so-called microeconomic level? All of us have either been locked down or restricted in our movements. Slowly but surely, that regime is ending. So how do you think your everyday habits may change due to the pa... read more>
Dogs in world takeover!

Dogs in world takeover!

I don't know if it's just me, but dogs seem to be taking over the world - not just in the puppy boom of the pandemic but also in signs of an even more canine future. Hounds are now turning up in places they've never been allowed before, such as plane seats, courts, strata blocks and even beaches. As a dog owner and lover of most breeds, I wonder about those who don't share these feelings,... read more>
Health Cover recommendations for 2017 are in!

Health Cover recommendations for 2017 are in!

The results are in. And the winner is… HCF! Well, they’re among the winners anyhow, along with the likes of AHM GMHBA, Medibank and NIB. In their latest independent review released this week, consumer advocacy group CHOICE has listed their recommended Health Insurance policies in a variety of categories and they’ve given a special shout out to FiftyUp Club partners HCF for the second y... read more>
Click Go The Shears, 2 Million Times!

Click Go The Shears, 2 Million Times!

He’s shorn close to two million sheep in a career spanning six decades, and now one of Australia’s most well-respected shearing contractors is going to be inducted into the Shearers Hall of Fame.  Ron started work as a rouseabout at Winton when he was 13 years old. He was shearing by the age of 17 and one of his most prized possessions – “a family heirloom” – is the 25 carat gold handpiece g... read more>